
Friday, November 21, 2014

Random Facts About Me

I thought I'd spontaneously compile a list of random things about me. Many of these things I hadn't remembered about myself until I tried to write them down. Not that you'll really want to know these things... You've probably never heard of such strange things. However, I do think you should make a list of random things about yourself as well. I think you'll like it very much.

I love the number 7. I always seem to gravitate towards it.
I had a huge dinosaur fetish as a kid. Clothes, books, toys, blankets, costumes, birthday parties. You name it. It was all about dinosaurs.
I love ancient architecture.
Someday I want to travel outside the country. I want to see the world. My heart yearns for it.
One time I was stung by a man o' war jellyfish on both my feet in Hawaii while bodysurfing. It hurt SO very much.
My heart belongs to the ocean. The beach is my love. No kidding.
I am obsessed with English dramas.
I am also obsessed with choral music.
I love seeing people wear white. They are beautiful.
I love chicken pot pie so very much. It's my favorite comfort food.
I could spend all day at an art museum.
I lost all my baby teeth quite early and got my full set of braces when I was ten.
Colorful sunsets make my heart swell up with pure joy.
I have an irrational fear of flying bugs. I'm working on it.
I have killed more scorpions and spiders than I have fingers and toes, though.
I voluntarily listen to the classical radio station. Yeah, I'm one of those people. ;)
I can talk with my mouth closed. You can almost understand me when I do.
Many times have I had the urge to abandon my plans and become a traveling cheese monger or music critic. Or both.
Jazz and big band music makes my soul dance.
I can separately extend each one of my toes. I kinda pride myself in my flexible toes, actually.
I secretly love my Biology lab and lecture classes...
I am a roller coaster enthusiast.
I am also a Disney enthusiast. How did I not mention that sooner?
I know nearly every Disney song ever made.
I love Disneyland.
For the first 8 years of my life, I didn't see more than three stars at a time because of LA air pollution.
I now marvel at the stars whenever I see them.
I have a piece of graphite stuck in my hand from accidentally stabbing myself in 8th grade English.
I play the cello, and I'm currently messing around on the guitar.
I love Broadway musicals so very much. The ones I have seen/loved/memorized include Lion King, Les Miserables, The Secret Garden, Newsies, Into the Woods, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Little Women, White Christmas, West Side Story, The Little Mermaid, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 13 the Musical, Footloose, Bye Bye Birdie, The Sound of Music, A Little Princess, You're a Good Man Charlie Brown, Tarzan, Fiddler on the Roof, Wicked, Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, Shrek the Musical, Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Annie, Sister Act, How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Hairspray, South Pacific, Hello Dolly, and Pirates of Penzance. I love them.
I can't stop singing. I sing all the time.
I can think of a song for almost anything.
I love spring and fall.
I love nice male eyebrows and jawlines. There's something about those two features.
I have never been very good at tongue twisters.
My eyes have been gradually changing every day this past year from blue to greenish. They aren't just fading from one color to the next, however. The top of the iris is turning yellowish and brownish while the bottom is still a grayish blue. They are a strange mix in the middle. I can't even name the color. It's weird. I don't know what to think.
I love playing capture the flag.
I love it when babies smile in their sleep. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
My feet are ridiculously ticklish.
For 10/12 months of the year, I don't wear any shoes other than flip flops (unless it is Sunday or I am forced to).
I was born in Wisconsin. They'd call me a regular cheesehead.
I don't like doing my hair, but alas, I have a mane. Thus, in order to be presentable I must reluctantly help it out a bit.
I love salads with blue cheese and pecans in them.
Fresh raw milk is, in my opinion, the best thing ever. It's even better when you are friends with the goats or the cows who gave it to you. :)
I tend to be a Grammar Nazi in most situations.
I have a ring I've been wearing for the past four years. I think the tan line is permanent now...
I love singing in large choirs with full orchestras. It is truly magical.
I love watching people laugh. When people laugh, they are so attractive.
I love laughing and smiling lots.
I once had an amazing hazelnut brittle chocolate bar at a factory in Seattle. It was the best chocolate I've ever had.
Food is on my mind right now.
Some of the best things I have ever eaten were in Louisiana. I cannot decide between the following:
Alligator meat and fried vegetables cooked by my mom in an RV and served at a random picnic table in the middle of nowhere (and it was incredible), fish cioppino served family style with freshly baked baguettes at this one fancy restaurant in the middle of the wooded bayou, and samples of over a hundred artisan cheeses and that sandwich I had for lunch at this shop in New Orleans. (The bread was amazing. You know how bread sometimes takes away from the overall success of the sandwich? Well, this bread was flavorful and chewy and warm. It MADE the sandwich. It was also huge. All the samples of artisan cheeses were part of this favorite food experience.)Also New Orleans beniets, free pralines, gumbo, and fried frog legs are delicious.
Someone made me an apple pie today and a friend brought it to my house. I was unbelievably happy, for apple pie is so wonderful. 'Tis my favorite kind of dessert pie.
I once owned a cannibal goldfish names Sparkles.
When people have good posture when sitting, I am greatly impressed.
I've only rock climbed once, but I love it so very much.
I've also only been bowling once, but I love it also.
I've never been ice skating, yet I am secretly worried I will fail miserably if I ever were to go.
I would absolutely love to go ice skating sometime in the near future.
I am obsessed with classical music composed for piano and orchestra.
I love to hear trumpets play "Taps."
If I were to convert to band instead of orchestra, I fantasize about taking up the french horn.
I think hand holding is the greatest thing. I'd do it all the time with people if it wasn't weird.
Speaking of hands, my pinky fingers are runts compared to my other ones. I realized this while learning hand anatomy in a charcoal drawing class. If my pinkies were normal sized, I bet I could reach a comfortable 10th on the piano, maybe even an 11th, and my octaves would be invincible.
I keep every letter or card ever written or given to me.
During finals week, I tend to have a collection of at least five or six mugs on my desk at one time from all the hot chocolate and herbal tea I drink.
Waterfalls bring me joy.
I like skipping. I probably look ridiculous, but it makes me happy. :)
I love finding faces in the mountains on road trips.
When my extended family gathers, we'll all sit around after dinner and sing cowboy songs in complex harmony as loud as we can while my grandpa wails on the guitar. I love it. One of these days, I'll learn all their verses so I can pass them down to my children too.
If you were to ask me what superpower I'd like to have if anything, my knee-jerk response would probably be flight. I often imagine what it would be like. (If I were to sit and ponder about it, I would answer differently. I am not sure what my answer would be, yet.)
I love hearing little children sing. It makes me so happy.
I love you.

That is all.