
Sunday, September 28, 2014

These People

There are people.

And then there are people who ignite your very soul, fill your mind with possibilities, pour strength into your needy limbs, and cause your heart to swell with so much joy it overflows in the form of laughter. These people are the ones I love most.

These people live with passion in their words, spring in their steps, and fire in their eyes.
They speak of their dreams with zealous energy and thought.
They know what love is, and they love you regardless of your endless lists of faults and problems.
They love deeply, they see clearly, they live righteously.
These are the people who inspire you to move more quickly and act more confidently.
These are the people who listen to you.
These are the people who make you feel of great value.
These are the people who follow the Spirit and know exactly when you need a friend.
These are the people who are leaders, loyal sons and daughters, dreamers, mentors, and friends.
These are the people who, when they make mistakes, will not give up hope.
These people know of their missions, and they stand ready to serve their God with all their might, mind, and strength.

I am privileged to have met some of these people in my life. I've been even more blessed to have built a friendship with a few of them. They are the most important people in my life.

Yet we may forget that these people are still people. They walk beside me on the journey through life, not ahead of me (as it all too often seems). I tend to think that these people are invincible somehow. They appear to have it all together. They seem to lead lives of perfection. I realized the truth after a long while of false assumption.

I don't thank these people enough. I don't let them know I love them. If I do manage to say "I love you" every once in a while, I don't tell them how much. I don't tell them when their text makes my day or when their smile reminds me to be happy. I don't tell them that they inspire me to be a better person or that they make me feel loved. Why don't I? Why don't we make time to show our love for the people in our lives? President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, "Love is really spelled T-I-M-E." I need to be taking that time to show my love.

If you are one of these people, know that I love you. I love you more than time and words can tell. I wish I could tell you just how much it is. I cannot seem to find words to do so, however. It comes out wrong. It is sometimes misinterpreted to be something different than pure love and appreciation. It is rejected or frowned upon. Please try to know the truth. I love you.

I'll keep trying. I'll simply have to keep trying to show these people how much they mean to me. I'll continue learning from and admiring their diligence and faith. I'll take more time to love these people so that someday I'll be worthy of their requited love.

If you're reading this today, I know you've thought of a few of these people in your own life. Let us remember to thank them and show we love them. These people are the ones we love most.