
Sunday, February 1, 2015

40 Days

I read Matthew 3-4 recently and came across something striking. I was not aware of the significance of the event described until I read these chapters just now. I don't know if there are many other people who have ever thought about this phenomenon. My dad is one of them who has. We spent a long while talking about this event, and he explained many of his ideas to me. I created some theories of my own while studying, as well.

In these chapters, Jesus Christ started his preaching. As most know, it began with his being baptized in the River Jordan by John the Baptist. However, many do not realize that the Savior was directed into the wilderness directly afterward to be "tempted of the devil." It was necessary that his 40 day fast occurred before he began his earthly ministry.

Why did the Savior fast 40 days? What is the significance of the number 40?

It takes 40 weeks in a mother's womb for a baby to fully develop. It is a number symbolic of birth.

In the Great Flood in the days of Noah, the rain fell upon the earth for 40 days and nights. It is a number of cleansing and baptism.

The Israelites were cursed by the Lord to wander in the wilderness for 40 years. It was only after this time period has passed that the Lord saw that the evil generation had finally passed away. It is said that new generation can be raised in 40 years.

Moses spent consecutive periods of 40 days and 40 nights on Mount Sinai being instructed of the Lord. Thus, this number may be significant in measuring periods of gaining of knowledge and the fortification of the spirit.

After every temptation he received from the devil, Christ defended himself with the word of God in chapter 4. He was fully equipped and prepared to combat Satan's direct attacks against him regardless of the fact that he was "an hungered." He left straightway to begin preaching to His people.