
Wednesday, November 2, 2016


(Written on November 6th, 2014.)

I feel like Shiblon so often. All Alma's warnings and words of wisdom to Shiblon feel directly applicable to me. I want to be like Shiblon. He's one of my major Book of Mormon heroes. Here is why.

Lemme give you an intro to Shiblon. He's kinda the unsung hero of the Book of Mormon. He was the second of Alma's three sons. He didn't get a ton of play in the book. He is shown to have accompanied his father on a mission to the Zoramites where he was STONED by the people while trying to preach the word. He remained faithful. His older brother Helaman authorized him to keep the records (Alma 63:1) rather than his own son as per the custom. He had so much respect for his younger brother and was so impressed with his steadfast faith and service that he broke tradition to confer this stewardship.

Shiblon had no fanfare, even in the Latter-day Saint culture. We don't hear about Shiblon next to charismatic leaders like Moroni, Helaman, Alma, Nephi, and the like. This isn't a bad thing, but what made him particularly special is that he served without any notoriety, regardless of his present calling, and humbly walked uprightly all his days.

I have so much respect for Shiblon, and I want to live up to this tribute of him in my own life: "He was a just man, and he did walk uprightly before God; and he did observe to do good continually, to keep the commandments of the Lord his God. (Alma 63:2)"

Many Latter-day Saints know of the chapters of counsel that Alma imparts for his sons. Now get this: Helaman, the eldest, gets 77 verses of counsel across two chapters. Corianton, the youngest, gets 91 verses of counsel across four chapters.

Shiblon gets 15 verses in one chapter, Alma 38. But this is way significant.

Here's his father's (and the prophet's) words of advice for him:

1. Commenced in youth, continue keeping commandments endure to end
2. Remember if you put your trust in God you will withstand
3. Cry out unto the Lord for mercy, can only be served if you accept christ
4. Continue teaching the word diligently
5. Don't be prideful, do not boast in your own strength
6. Bridle your passions that ye may have love
7. Refrain from idleness; time and agency to do God's will
8. Acknowledge your unworthiness and shortcomings

I imagine he saw his father as a hero. He witnessed Corianton's immorality and saw how Alma taught him. I imagine he never wanted to let his father down. I feel the same way.

Anyways, thanks for reading about one of my Book of Mormon heroes. Go read his stuff. He rocks the house. Thanks, Shiblon.

I am so thankful for the Book of Mormon. I know it is true.