
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

True Marveling is Gratitude + A Meditation Experiment

(Written on September 22nd, 2015.)

"O Lord My God, When I in Awesome Wonder, ... Then Sings My Soul!"

"And when I think that God His Son not sparing sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in..."

"I Stand All Amazed at the Love Jesus offers me..."

"I marvel that He would descend from His throne divine to rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine..."

"Oh It is wonderful that He should care for me enough to die for me"

Guys. We forget to be grateful. All the time. We live in a time of a marvelous work and a wonder.  Never before have there been so many missionaries and temples. The fulness of the gospel is readily accessible anywhere.

Having the knowledge I have today, in my moments of the "natural woman" in thought, I tend to think I would be greater if I lived in another time or circumstance.

I did this meditation experiment at Elevation this summer. While focusing on breathing, I wanted to experiment with gratitude. I think this idea may have been prompted by one of my mentors, maybe Angie Baker or Lucas Reynolds. Anyhow, I focused on breathing in gratitude and light, and breathing out darkness and impurities. This type of meditation was about considering the wonderful, the bright, the beautiful, the amazing, the marvelous. This was more clarifying and rejuvenating that any previous meditation I have done.

This type of exercise in concentrated gratitude could be applied everywhere.

To marvel is a sign of faith. I think that this amazement produces spiritual strength. To stand all amazed at what Jesus Christ has offered you, to be confused at His grace, to marvel at His sacrifice. This is missing in our daily life and even in our worship places. This is important.

All true marveling is anchored in the Atonement. I am capable of obtaining the strength and clarity that comes through grateful marveling and wondering in every part of my life with the companionship of the Holy Ghost. How wonderful that is.